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Dome-like behaviour at Mt. Etna: The case of the 28 December 2014 South East Crater paroxysm




On the 28 December 2014, a violent and short paroxysmal eruption occurred at the South East Crater (SEC) of Mount Etna that led to the formation of huge niches on the SW and NE flanks of the SEC edifice from which a volume of ~3 × 106 m3 of lava was erupted. Two basaltic lava flows discharged at a rate of ~370 m3/s, reaching a maximum distance of ~5 km. The seismicity during the event was scarce and the eruption was not preceded by any notable ground deformation, which instead was dramatic during and immediately after the event. The SO2 flux associated with the eruption was relatively low and even decreased few days before. Observations suggest that the paroxysm was not related to the ascent of volatile-rich fresh magma from a deep reservoir (dyke intrusion), but instead to a collapse of a portion of SEC, similar to what happens on exogenous andesitic domes. The sudden and fast discharge eventually triggered a depressurization in the shallow volcano plumbing system that drew up fresh magma from depth. Integration of data and observations has allowed to formulate a novel interpretation of mechanism leading volcanic activity at Mt. Etna and on basaltic volcanoes worldwide.
机译:2014年12月28日,埃特纳火山的东南火山口(SEC)发生了短暂的猛烈发作,导致SEC大厦的西南侧和东北侧形成了巨大的壁ni,其体积约为3〜×喷出了106立方米的熔岩。两条玄武岩熔岩流以〜370 m3 / s的速度释放,最大距离达到〜5 km。事件期间的地震活动很少,喷发前没有明显的地面变形,而是在事件发生期间和事件发生后立即发生剧烈变化。与喷发相关的SO2通量相对较低,甚至在几天前下降。观察表明,阵发性与深部储层中富含挥发性物质的新鲜岩浆的上升(堤防侵入)无关,而是与部分SEC塌陷有关,类似于外生安山岩穹顶的情况。突然而迅速的排放最终触发了浅层火山管道系统的降压,从深处吸引了新的岩浆。数据和观测资料的整合使人们对山火山活动的机制有了新的解释。埃特纳火山和全世界的玄武岩火山。



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